Female Cartoon Characters
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- Female Cartoon Characters

- #12852
Female Cartoon Character
During hurricane Maria, the lady from Chicago send alot boxes of products for help Puerto Rico people. We want to use this cartoon to say, "Thank you".

- #21378
Female Cartoon Character
The female has three medals hanging around her neck (one in the shape of a milk bottle, one with US/Canada flags), and a bottle of ultra beer in her right hand. Thought bubble with the words "Madison, Indy, Detroit, black foot Friday!.......need more medals...." The number on the bib to be "13.1". She is wearing a visor in place of the headband, showing the words "Medal Monster" on the visor.

- #20310
Girl Cartoon Character
I'd love a character drawn of me with minnie mouse ears in front of Cinderella's Castle, dressed in a red dress with white dots, and the shoes to be like the red flats.

- #12950
Female Cooking Cartoon Character
A lady is standing in front of a large pot cooking. One of her hands is spinning a knife cutting carrots, and the other hand is holding a pan which is filled with steaks, vegetables and seasonings.

- #12699
Fitness Cartoon Character
I am a fitness coach. I'd like my cartoon character drawing has a slight muscles showing in flexed arms. My outfit should be a teal tank top with black pants with teal trim and black tennis shoes. My company logo should be front of tank top.

- #12492
Female Cartoon Drawing
A female wears blue jeans, white tshirt with a black "R" biz logo and black ugg boots. She is holding a paint brush, and some knitting, scrapbook, other crafty tools and a long haired mini dachshund is next to her feet.

- #21846-1
Female Football Fans Cartoon Character
A lady is holding a glass of beer in one hand and smiling in the football team's jersey. There's a pink pig next to her.

- #21846-2
Female Cartoon Character
A woman is standing with one of her dogs in a black professional suit. One of her hands is touching the dog's head.

- #21846-3
Businesswoman Cartoon Character
A businesswoman is standing and smiling. She is wearing a gray suit, black trousers and black heels, and she is having a laptop in her hands.

- #20649
Female Hiking Cartoon
A girl is hiking in the mountains with a mountaineering bag, behind her is the mountains and lakes.