Cartoon Woman
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- Cartoon Woman

- #21446
Cartoon Woman
To re-create a time that the 4 women took a Sunday road trip and we got hopelessly lost on country roads with no people in sight. To put us in a car, a large gray SUV, convertible, going down a desolate road. The driver: a purple short sleeve polo shirt with a collar. The front passenger: A navy blue San Diego Padre t-shirt would be good or short sleeve Hawaiian button down shirt. The back seat passenger: best position to be seen. What she is wearing in the picture is cute, pink t shirt with colorful scarf would be great with the pink earrings. To have her hands or arms are showing a pink bracelet to match the earrings. Another back seat passenger: a royal blue LA Dodger t shirt. While the driver is driving, put a map in somebody's hand and cell phones in 2 other people hands.

- #12819
Cartoon Women
We are the non-lawyer staff members who run the Cobb County Bar Association. We are a great team and would like to have a cartoon of the 3 of us together in business casual attires in an office environment. The Cobb Bar logo and the name Cobb County Bar Association should be on the computer monitor.

- #12340
Movie Theater Cartoon
Three females all wear casual T-shirts are sitting in chairs at the movie theatre with popcorn and sodas.

- #12463
Las Vegas Cartoon
Four women are standing in front of the casino in Las Vegas. Behind them are gambling machines, dollar bills, chips and night scenes in Las Vegas.

- #12334
Loving Woman Cartoon
The lady came here from Columbia at 15, and she put 3 girls through college. She also gives time to feed homeless people at the border. She makes 100 sandwiches every Sunday and brings them down to people.

- #20897
Woman Teacher Cartoon
She is a runner, teacher and always wears fun socks when she runs. we'd like to have her running with a beer in her hand and fun socks on... Our daughter wrote a note for her using a few words to describe her character - they were "Not Mean" which was hilarious because she definitely can be mean, especially around children. We want to get a character of her with the words No Mean on it and out it on coozies for her birthday.

- #20883
Yoga Cartoon
A woman is closing her hands and standing with on one foot, practicing yoga.

- #21463
Woman with Cactus Cartoon
A woman is standing on the sand and watering the cactus plants.