Family Picture Cartoon
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- #19866
Family Picture Cartoon
Our family means everything to us, and I am excited to display this picture in our house, happy and smiling. Our six year old daughter was born with cerebral palsy, she does not walk or speak (although can stand with her braces and our assistance). We did not know if we had the capacity to have more children given the tough road with our daughter, but at 38 and now 40 years old we have added two babies, and our daughter is thriving. Every time I see my children smile, it is a reminder that we made the right choice in adding to our family. So I am very excited to give this to my husband as a gift for Father's Day.

- #21364
Family Picture Cartoon
It's a family portrait picture was taken at a 21st birthday party. The son was standing in the middle, wearing a checkered shirt and blue jeans. The mother was next to the son, dressed in a crimson dress. The two sisters were on either side. They were standing side by side.

- #20899
Family Cartoon Picture
We would like to make a picture of us and our two children with a Chicago city line in the background. The dad wears a collared shirt black with two horizontal stripes, jeans, belt, black shoes. The mom wears jeans and a short sleeve pink shirt with sneakers. The little boy is in a red blazer and white shirt, jeans and sort of dress shoes. The little girl with a cute little dress on and white shoes with ruffled socks.

- #21133
Family Picture Cartoons
This is my sister and her family. I wanted to make a cartoon drawig for her and her family as a "thank you" for working on our relationship.

- #20235
Happy Family Picture Cartoon
This is about a couple who built a family out of love and everyone is living life to the fullest. This is a very positive and expressive drawing of a couple with a positive mindset and a happy family. The son would be driving a toy Ferrari and his parents would be oversized figures sitting up high in the back. "Hvor der er kaerlighed, der er liv" means "Where there is love there is life".

- #21364
Family Photo Cartoon
It's my brother's family. They're a typical cowboy family. I wanted to make special caricatures as a Christmas gift for them, celebrating their first Christmas as a family with their sweet baby.
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