Cartoonize Your Photos
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- #20917
Cartoonize Your Photos
Half-body portraits of father and daughter. The father and daughter are each holding a can of Coca-Cola. The can that the man is holding with Pearson on it, and the can that the daughter is holding has Lady Baller on it.

- #20663
Cartoonize Your Photos
The man has been the Buckman Memphis plant manager for 6 years and is being transferred. We want to give him a cartoon with a border signed by the team. He is a barber shop quartet singer. He can be posed as singing with arms wide open with a barber shop hat in one hand and lean on a blue drum with the company logo in the middle of the drum as the per photos.

- #19904
Cartoonize Your Photo
The girl standing and smiling teeth showing. She is wearing round black rimmed glasses and stud pearl earrings. She is wearing a black and gray dress (black on top and light gray on bottom) with gray design near the neckline. She is wearing black shoes and black booties. She is waving with her right hand and her left hand is on her hip.
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