- Caricature
- Caricaturist
- Susan Criss Artworks

Susan Criss
- Caricaturist From Australia
Design Request:"Please see "Layout Sample" image for general layout. Please position in whatever way looks best! People are numbered on the layout for your reference. Block Words: Co-Founders. Person 1 and 2- Holding a sign with caricature version of company logo. Option 1: both people are standing holding the sign. Option 2: Person 1 is standing while person 2 sits on the "C". Both holding the sign. Whatever fits best. Person 1: Plaid button-up shirt and jeans, big smile Person 2: Hair down, Fun Fashion Scarf, black slacks, big smile Person 3: Sitting on a letter, slightly higher up than the others. Black slacks and printed blouse, holding a cup of tea Person 4: Big smile, Red polo shirt and khakis- has a hammer clipped to belt, wears tennis shoes. Person 5: Slight smile, Black slacks, blouse, cardigan, add her glasses, - holding a calculator. Person 6: Slight smile, Jeans, black t-shirt as undershirt, layered with Button-up, and sports jacket - holding a Redbull. General office items around him. Put a Christmas tree on his computer screen. Put a hand sanitizer near him. Background: Add a street sign with 'Main' pointing back and 'Monroe' pointing forward. Additional background can be white."

Susan Criss
- Caricaturist From Australia
Design Request:"All characters - Superwoman outfits with midriff coverage, skirts, boots, and capes (like top right on the template); instead of the 'S' please write 'PP'; all smiling, teeth showing. L** is running, three other characters are flying behind. In the background - "VISA" logo standing on the street against yellow background. L** - please make slightly bigger as this gift is about her - running forward on the ground and a thick red book under her arm with white letters 'IIA'. J**- flying with a sward that says 'Issues' on the blade. L** - flying with a hand forward with a glowing lightbulb with a word 'Ideas'. O** - flying holding a potted orchid under arm."

Susan Criss
- Caricaturist From Australia
Design Request:"Love the ice hockey rink background. We would just want them wearing Massachusetts Hockey jerseys on. Also, they don't necessarily need to be in hockey skates, just fans in the arena, who knows. The picture titled Steve Palmacci - he would be the coach / godfather of them all."