Cartoon Logo
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- #13028
Cartoon Logo
I'm opening a beverage store so I would like a cartoon logo. Its called Chub Beer Distributor. It's in memory of my grandfather.

- #20905
Weather Forecast Cartoon Logo
We're interested in having a logo created with a caricature drawing of my morning meteorologist with in a red dress. The program is called "Hey Amber, Plan My Day". We are looking for a digital file with a transparent background so I can superimpose the logo over video, etc.

- #20713
Broadcast Cartoon Logo
This logo is for a new Youtube Channel called "Todd the Tool". The man produces comedic videos that are spoofs of HGTV shows as if he were a hillbilly. His outfits is slightly bedraggled work clothes torn and splattered with paint. He is holding a chainsaw with both hands diagonally in front of body.

- #21738
Air Conditioner Cartoon Logo
The man has been in the heating and air business for almost 35 years now. He owns Keith Powell Heating and Cooling and specializes in HVAC repairs and replacements. We'd like his cartoon is standing with a heating and cooling unit. We'll use this design on our company vans and socal media marketing pictures and such.

- #19988
Travel Cartoon Logo
I'm a travel agency. It's my company logo for my website. A female is holding a suite case, next to my company name The Travel Maid.

- #20028
Painter Cartoon Logo
I would like a caricature of a painter with my grandfather's face from the chest up wearing painter overalls wearing the painter hat and holding a roller over a spot that is painted. The part that is painted can be multicolored like a rainbow or a bright color to stand out. The name of the company I want to be displayed above the roller is "Grampa Jerry's Painters".

- #20388
Pest Control Cartoon Logo
I am in the pest control industry, and I need a logo design for my company. I would just prefer a waist up drawing, and my character to be wearing a navy polo-like shirt with a white undershirt. I have a red sprayer that I could be wearing.

- #20216
Cartoon Logo Sign
I own a yard greeting business called Sign Dreamers Of Thibodaux, LLC. We do yard greeting celebrations. It's something fun as our biz brings smiles to many faces. The design should be a female with a fun pose, holding a sign with letter "A" on it. The cloths can be casual as jeans, blue shirt to match our logo colors.

- #13096
Cartoon Logo Designs
We are a start up Micro Distillery in Western PA. Our brand will be called 4 Fathers. The idea is to take our heads and create a caricature in black and white outline, just to be as the MT Rushmore.

- #12826
Cartoon Logo Design
This is for 5 friends. We work together at a place called The Cannon. I would like the logo design to have words "The Cannon" to be displayed in black lettering. In the background, I would like to have the skyline of downtown Houston. We should be wearing similar clothes, just t-shirts and jeans. And all be sitting or standing around the letters.

- #12456
Custom Cartoon Logo
The female character is standing with hand on hips. She wears business casual outfit white shirt, Tiffany blue leggings/pants with silver glitter heels, and a white circle necklace. The words "JingeR Says" are placed on her right side.

- #12718
Medical Cartoon Logo
The Dr in a Lab coat, is holding the cannabis leaf, with the words "The Dose Man" across the bottom of the character.

- #20669
Cleaning Cartoon Logo
It's a logo for my cleaning business. I'd like my character holding a mop and some cleaning supplies on the right, and name "Valles Cleaning Services" on left with some bubbles.