Funny Caricatures # 920043Two men are running for the municipal election.
Item# 950400A man is driving to court with a hamburger..
Item# 920044Two men are having a selection debate.
Item# 950420A female superhero is pushing a stroller on the road.
Item# 920039A tennis player is hitting the ball.
Item# 920041A tennis player is playing on the court.
Item# 950121A man has a chicken in one hand, a money bag in the other..
Item# 950138A male teacher is wearing a jersey in class.
Funny Caricatures # 950148A man is eating vegetable sauce with a huge spoon.
Item# 950149A man is stretching out four arms, reading, listening to music and playing games.
Item# 950157A man dressed as Elvis was walking in the street.
Item# 950163A woman dressed as a fairy tale princess.
Item# 950184A cowboy with the double guns.
Item# 950185A cowboy is pulling out a pistol to shoot.
Funny Caricatures # 950214A man is sitting on a throne with two leopards.
Item# 950251A lady is sitting on the throne of the queen.
Item# 950189A woman with a negative right leg is packing up in the office to go hiking.
Item# 950252A superwoman is skateboarding on the road with her dog.
Item# 950317An old man was struggling to stand with a crutch.
Item# 950323A dentist is pushing a huge tooth.
Item# 950328A businessman is playing computer in his office.
Funny Caricatures # 950379A man is holding on to a dollar, and saying "it's yours, too."