Funny April Fools Pranks
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- Funny April Fools Pranks

Imagine waking up to find your family photos all sporting googly eyes. That's a classic example of funny April Fools pranks that are easy to do but bring a ton of laughs. Just grab a pack of sticky googly eyes and give your home gallery a little makeover.

Ever thought your tap could pour out colored water? Just a few drops of food coloring in the faucet and the next person to turn it on will think they've caused a plumbing miracle. It's harmless but sure to startle.

Switching the contents of cereal boxes is a simple yet effective trick. Imagine the confusion when your roommate finds oat flakes in the chocolate cereal box!

Place a small piece of clear tape over the sensor of a computer mouse or TV remote. It's invisible enough not to be noticed immediately but will cause a brief moment of confusion.

Sneak a tiny foam ball or a crumpled piece of paper into someone's shoes. They'll be puzzled by the sudden shrinkage of their footwear.

The old switcheroo of sugar and salt can lead to some interesting reactions during breakfast. Just be ready to help fix the coffee!

For a more tech-savvy prank, change the language on someone's phone or computer. It's a quick fix back, but their initial reaction is priceless.

Fill a room with balloons to the point where entering becomes a challenge. It's visually stunning and incredibly fun to navigate.

Place a 'Please Honk and Wave' sign on the back of a friend’s car. They’ll be baffled by the sudden popularity on their drive.

For those who love baking, serving up a dessert that looks savory, like a meatloaf shaped cake, can be a delightful trick.

Replacing hand soap with clear glue is a sticky situation that’s both surprising and harmless. Just keep the real soap nearby!

Covering a workspace with post-it notes creates a colorful surprise that's not soon forgotten. Choose bright colors for extra pizzazz.

Imagine turning on the TV to find all the channels have been swapped with odd or foreign language channels. A quick settings prank can make this happen.

Convincing someone their favorite app has been deleted from their phone is a harmless prank that plays on our digital dependencies.

Slightly move furniture around in a room. It’s subtle enough not to be immediately noticed but will definitely cause some confusion.

For a playful outdoor prank, create a fake parking ticket and place it on a friend’s windshield. Make sure it’s outrageous and clearly a joke upon reading.

Invert all the photos and clocks in a house. It’s a quirky change that takes a minute to register but is sure to amuse.

Fake bugs can lead to real screams. Place rubber insects in unexpected places like inside a lampshade or in a drawer.

Replacing Oreo cream with toothpaste is one of those funny April Fools pranks that's a bit more mischievous. Make sure your victim isn't too attached to their cookies!

A well-placed whoopee cushion never goes out of style. It’s a blast from the past that brings out the laughs in everyone involved.