Teacher Caricature
Teacher Caricature

These are about Teacher Caricatures. The drawing templates contain: college professor, instructor, lecturer, teacher, school, class, classroom and much more. For your teacher caricature's face, our artist will draw it from your photos.

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College Caricatures

College Teacher
In the classroom of the college, a teacher stands on the platform with a whip to teach. On the podium are books, a tellurion, and a red apple symbolizing wisdom.

School Caricature

School Teacher
In the school class, a teacher holds a stack of books with one finger, with a blackboard and a podium behind him. There is a stack of exam papers on the platform.

Class Caricature

Class Caricature
A female teacher is teaching in the class with a white chalk in her hand. There is a globe and some textbooks on the platform behind her.

Professor Caricature

Professor Caricature
A male professor is in the class teaching the students. There is a stack of homework papers and some textbooks on the podium behind him.

Education Caricatures

Education Caricature
A female teacher is lecturing in a red coat and black trousers with a whip in one hand and a thick professional textbook in the other. There were some teaching textbooks and a thick pile of papers on the podium behind her.

Teacher Teach Caricature

Teacher Caricature
A chemistry teacher is teaching a chemistry class, with a hand holding a test tube bottle and a chalk in the other. On the podium are some test tubes and textbooks, and on the blackboard of the classroom are written the chemical formulas.

Teacher Caricature

Teacher Caricatures
A young female teacher is sitting on the podium to teach. The platform is full of exam papers and textbooks. The blackboard behind her is full of mathematical formulas.

Teacher Retirement Caricature

Teacher Retirement
A retired teacher is leaving the campus with a pile of books in her arms. Behind her is a teaching building, and to her right is a sign written happy retirement on it.

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